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Mis amigos en facebook no pueden compartir mis publicaciones

Configuración de privacidad en Facebook: ¿Quién ve mis fotografías?

❤️ Click here: Mis amigos en facebook no pueden compartir mis publicaciones

Hacer lo que Facebook quiere y pagar por promocionar por lo menos las publicaciones que veas más interesantes y que quieres que vea más gente por algún motivo. He repasado todas las configuraciones de privacidad y no he visto nada raro. ¿Y qué ha pasado desde hace un par de años?

Facebook te da los controles de privacidad necesarios para ajustar la opción Compartir en tu perfil. Deja un comentario Tu dirección de correo electrónico no será publicada. Esto es así y hay que aceptarlo.

Configuración de privacidad en Facebook: ¿Quién ve mis fotografías? - Cuando compartes algo, sea solo con una persona o sea con más amigos, quien lo recibe tiene la capacidad de compartirlo con quien quiera.

Explicación sobre el alcance y el Edge Rank en las páginas de fans de Facebook Todo el que maneja un fanpage en Facebook debe tener como parte de sus objetivos principales, hacer llegar su mensaje a la mayor cantidad de audiencia posible. Para eso los dueños de negocios, ejecutivos de marcas, community managers y demás, trabajan en distintas maneras para incrementar el tamaño de su página de fans, con anuncios pagados, una mención en sus anuncios impresos, de radio o TV o en su propio local. Nota: Esta condición afecta también, a las publicaciones de usuarios personales, y las de grupos. Sin embargo, en algo que algunos ya saben y que a otros les puede tomar por sorpresa, no todo lo que se publica en una página de Facebook, les llega a todos los fans de la misma; y no siempre es debido a que los fans no están todos conectados. En general tiene que ver otros indicadores, relacionados con el nivel de atractivo de la publicación y la conexión entre los fans y la página, los cuales si logras dominarlos, puedes incrementar considerablemente la audiencia a la que le lleguen tus mensajes. Nota: Este artículo presenta los cambios que han tenido el algoritmo y el alcance en Facebook, desde agosto 2012 a la fecha. Algo que debes saber: esto afecta también a los publicaciones de Facebook de los usuarios y sus amigos. Debajo te explico por qué. Con este post espero mostrarte los distintos tipos de alcance para publicaciones de Facebook, el algoritmo EdgeRank y cuáles trucos aplicar para hacer que los mensajes de tu página de fans les llegue a una mayor cantidad de usuarios. También se refiere a los usuarios fans y no fans que ven el post estando dentro de tu página. Debajo un ejemplo: Algo importante, si en tu página haces Like, Share o Comment desde tu perfil personal, esto no se sumará al cálculo del Alcance Viral. Generalmente con los anuncios pagados si está activos , obtienes la mayor proporción del alcance: Ya con esto vas entendiendo los 3 tipos de alcance que puedes tener con tus publicaciones, y así conocer más en detalle el desempeño de tus publicaciones. Aunque en julio 2013 se haya dejado de visualizar el alcance Viral, los componentes del alcance siguen igual: te das cuenta que una publicación con muchos Likes, Comentarios y Shares, presenta un alcance orgánico mayor que aquellas que no tuvieron tanta interacción. El método que Facebook utiliza para definir cuáles publicaciones les salen a cuáles usuarios, se llama algoritmo, y hasta agosto 2013, tenía nombre: EdgeRank. Este algoritmo aplica tanto a publicaciones de paáginas de fans como para páginas personales. La idea es estimar qué tan cercano es el fan de la página, para definir qué tanto le interesa su contenido. Entonces Facebook normalmente considera que una publicación de video o imagen tiene mayor peso que una publicación de sólo texto al ser menos interesante para los fans , y también por ejemplo considera que una historia de un amigo comentando en una página de fans, tiene mayor peso e interés que un simple Like. Este efecton de que tu post debe tener imagen o video ya no es tan fuerte, te sugiero probar con todos los tipos de posts. El algoritmo que rige las publicaciones de Facebook desde agosto 2013 Este algoritmo cuenta igual con los componentes del anteriormente llamado EdgeRank, pero Facebook solo ha dado a conocer 2 de ellos: — Story Bump: Esta novedad impulsa en tu sección de noticias a publicaciones no tan recientes, pero que han tenido buen nivel de interacción. La idea es mostrarte contenido de hace horas o incluso días, que por su relevancia y popularidad, merecen ser mostradas en la sección de noticias. Si tus publicaciones recibe buena interacción, es más probable que se muestre a algunos fans aunque luego hayas hecho otro post. Si el usuario ha interactuado recientemente con páginas como la tuya o con la tuya, para ser más directo , es muy probable que tu publicación salga en su sección de noticias. Relación entre el alcance de las publicaciones y el EdgeRank de Facebook Para explicar esta relación, he preparado esta explicación gráfica de los tipos de alcances en Facebook y sobre qué es el EdgeRank de Facebook para páginas de fans: Aquí vemos cómo sólo a un grupo de fans les llega la publicación del fanpage, esto viene siendo alcance orgánico y podemos asumir que a nivel de EdgeRank, ayuda que el post incluye una imagen o un preview de un link Edge Weight , y que a los fans que les llegó tienen mayor Afinidad o cercancía con la página. Esto es Alcance Pagado. Esto es Alcance Viral. En paralelo con el punto anterior, al subir el EdgeWeight y por ende el EdgeRank, entonces Facebook decide mostrarle la publicación a fans de la página a los cuales no se la mostró la primera vez, ya que en teoría, se considera ahora que el post tiene mayor atractivo. Esto nuevamente se considera como Alcance Orgánico. ¿Cómo mejorar mi alcance de algoritmo EdgeRank y hacer que mis posts les lleguen a más fans? Prueba con todo y ve evaluando resultados. El algoritmo es muy cambiante, y he visto cómo le quita peso a publicaciones de solo imagen, luego las de solo texto, en fin. Pruébalo todo, y quédate con lo que mejor funcione. Ahora es mejor probar todos los tipos de posts, como expliqué en el punto anterior. Igual prueba con fotos o videos siempre. Asegúrate de publicar con frecuencia 3-5 veces al día me parece bien para marcas y que el contenido sea realmente digno de compartir para que haga efecto el Edge Weight. Diseña una estrategia de contenido acorde a tus capacidades y a cómo responden tus fans. En tu post siguiente, que si puede ser de productos, tendrás mayor alcance orgánico. En el , puedes analizar y definir en cual horario te conviene publicar. Tradicionalmente es entre 10 am y 4 pm, aunque esto puede variar según el tipo de contenido y de audiencia. Si tienes más contenido de calidad para compartir, entonces publica en otros horarios, igual habrán fans conectados. Espero que con esto haya respondido tu pregunta del principal motivo por el que tus mensajes de Facebook sólo le llegan al 10% o menos de tus fans, y que los tips te sirvan para mejor tu alcance. Aquí puedes ver un análisis completo y actualizado de por qué tus posts de FB no le llegan a todos los fans. Les confieso que he aprendido mucho y me he entretenido bastante preparando este post. Si te queda alguna duda o deseas agregar tu experiencia, sírvete en la casilla de comentarios debajo. Actualización 4-Julio-2013: Hoy he visto que se cambió la manera en mostrar los alcances de cada post, y ya no se muestra el alcance viral en las publicaciones de Facebook: No sé si es un cambio permanente, o algo temporal. Actualizo si revierten el cambio espero que si. Actualización 26 de Julio 2013: Con el despliegue de las nuevas estadísticas de páginas en Facebook, no se observa ya el alcance viral, pero…. Esto lo puedes hacer desde la app nativa de Facebook, o en el. Para que no haya duda, lo que en web ahora FB llama como orgánico, en móvil se comprueba que es la suma del orgánico más el viral.

¿Por qué nadie ve tus publicaciones en Facebook?
Abre tu página de. La idea es mostrarte contenido de hace horas o incluso días, que por su relevancia y popularidad, merecen ser mostradas en la sección de noticias. Etiquetado de tus contactos en tus fotografías. Tout el nombre del amigo que quieras excluir. Hace años que vengo diciendo que una buena estrategia implica fijarpara no depender de los cambios de un tercero en este caso Facebook en las reglas del juego. Al hacer esto, entonces tus amigos no podrán publicar o compartir artículos en tu muro de Facebook. Destinatarios : tus datos se encontrarán alojados en mi plataforma de email marketing Aweber ubicada en EEUU y acogida al Privacy Shield. Pablo tengo una duda tengo varios grupos en facebook pero uno en especial el que tiene mas miembros últimamente los miembros se quejan de que no pueden ver las publicaciones. ¡Muchísimas gracias por este post tan esclarecedor!.

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Birthday party rsvp reply example

Accept an Invitation to an Event

❤️ Click here: Birthday party rsvp reply example

An average 40% of couples are engaged for 13 to 18 months. Other parents may not actually understand what RSVP means.

However, I would like to thank you for the invitation you gave me with so much love. How do you write a letter given this scenario: You work for the Dean of the School of Business at UVU.

RSVP Cards - Response Cards - The nature of the invitation determines the correct method in which to RSVP. Do you offer tours of the business school on the UVU campus?

Good etiquette dictates that when accepting an invitation, a note announcing your acceptance should be written, especially if the event is formal. This note should be handwritten, formal and gracious in tone, and must be sent within a few days of receiving the invitation. If a RSVP card is provided, a few succinct lines can be written on the other side of the card, otherwise, you can use your own stationary, or purchase a set from local office supply store. Do not use printer paper! Start the letter appropriately. For others, simply address the sender by their surname. It is also appropriate to include any titles when addressing the host. A: Acceptance Letter to a Lunch Meeting Invitation Dear Ms. Prince, In reply to your lunch meeting invitation received May 29, 2013, I would be delighted to meet with you on Friday, May 31st. I will be ready at 10:00 A. M to be picked up in front of my house. I look forward to joining you and your group for what promises to be a productive and enjoyable lunch. Sincerely, Professor Ian Blight B. Acceptance Letter to a Wedding Invitation Dear Mr. Smith, It is with great pleasure that I received your invitation to the wedding of your son, Roger to Catherine Myers, on January 30, 2014, at the Saint Alphonsus Church. We are looking forward to being a part of this beautiful celebration of the happy couple. Please advise if a wedding gift registry is available. Yours, David and Elizabeth Fulton Example Letter to Accept a Birthday Party Invitation Here is a sample letter for accepting a birthday party invitation. You can also write about a fun memory you both share to make the letter more personal. Dear Mike, Thank you so much for inviting me to your birthday party. I'd like to take this opportunity to accept the invitation. I look forward to catching up, and celebrating your birthday with you! Yours truly, Jake Example Letter to Accept and RSVP an Invitation to a Business Meeting Here is one example. Note that your response should sound professional. I want to send an email of accepting an invitation as the chief guest? How to accept an invitation as the chief guest? In your letter, you first have to express your appreciation for the invitation. Then, accept the invitation. You can also reiterate some of the information that was included in the original invitation to show the host that you understand the event. It's also important to ask if there's anything you need to prepare before you show up to the event. How to write an express thanks letter for invitation by campus recruitment? Acceptance email of invitation sample required. Dear School Recruitment, I received your letter of invitation today and am writing back to say that I gladly accept the invitation. Thank you very much for inviting me. I look forward to working with you all! Sincerely, Jennifer Your name 555-555-8032 Your contact number jen005 sample. Write that you are grateful for the invitation and that you are sorry you won't be there to celebrate the wedding. Tell the soon-to-be-wed couple that you want to see them after the honeymoon, so you can celebrate the occasion together. See more questions like this: See more questions like this: Do you think that can help me now? You have received an invitation to a birthday party. I would love to attend the event. I would also like to offer my services as a music organizer since I have some experience in that area and know all your favorite music! Please get in touch if you would be interested in my help organizing the music. Your friend, Sammie 555 555-5555 sammie gmail. Acceptance letter for an invitation. The letter does not have to be long. As long as you confirm that you are indeed attending, your letter is good enough to send. Well I'm looking for more examples from native speakers -- not only invitations but also postcards, short notes, messages? Hope you can help me, please? More samples of different types of letters. Keep in mind that letters, especially those for invitations, should never be too long. All you need to do is state the purpose of the letter and include the corresponding details. You also have to indicate what type of response you are expecting from the person you are writing to. Most letters are expected to be that way unless it's a very personal letter. See more questions like this: Good Morning I just want to reply to a message from my friend inviting me for her daughter's birthday 3 years old. A simple way to confirm our attendance? I just want to reply to a message from my friend inviting me for her daughter's birthday 3 years old. A simple way to confirm our attendance. Hi Friend's name , I got your invitation for daughter's name 's birthday party, and I would be glad to attend. I can't believe she's 3 already! Seems like just yesterday you were bringing her home. I will definitely be at location on date. Text messages have a 160 character limit, so your response should be particularly short and to the point. Here is one possibility: Thanks for your confirmation for the anniversary dinner on date. You will be seated at table , seat. How do you write a letter given this scenario: You work for the Dean of the School of Business at UVU. You received the following letter from a local high school teacher, Karen Swenson. Do you offer tours of the business school on the UVU campus? If so, may I arrange a tour for 45 members of the Future Business Leaders of America at our high school for some afternoon the first week in December? This tour will be one of several the chapter is making to compare colleges in the area. So that I can better prepare our FBLA members, please explain in your reply the advantages of attending UVU. We will appreciate hearing from you in the next week so that we can complete our schedule. You can leave the date and time open so that she may choose what works best for her, or try to give her at least three dates and times that you have open in the schedule. Hi, I got an SMS from another organization for induction program at their organization? I just want to reply to the SMS professionally Many company SMS programs do not receive responses back via SMS. You should reply with a formal letter using the format above for accepting an invitation. Acknowledgement of one day trip? I have an invitation of one day trip arranged by office HR. How can I acknowledge my confirmation for the trip? If there are R. You also could send an email to the H. How to postpone the proposed time of the appointment? I received the invitation for a job interview in the morning, but I am only available in the afternoon. Dear Their Name , Can we possibly delay the interview to later in the afternoon? I have a previous engagement at the time that you have suggested, and unavailable. I am free after 1 p. Sincerely, Your Name Although you are requesting that the time is changed because of a previous engagement, this reschedule may take you out of the running for the position. No employer wants to be told they are not a priority, including future employers. It would be best for you to reschedule your morning appointment if you really want this job opportunity. Hello, sure I need wording for an invitation my boss received saying thank you for the invite, and that my staff will check my availability? We receive lots of invites for events and want to send our thank you letters for inviting, and that my staff will check my availability Thank them for considering to invite and then give a date such as we will check our availability and let you know by Date. Just be sure to not put a date that is past the response date of an invitation. Need help on how to write effective emails on any topic? I am facing problems writing emails to my manager with regard to any issues or process. They say grammatically incorrect and wrong punctuation. Use a program like Grammarly which you can add as an extension to your browser. It will help with punctuation and grammar errors that you make. It even gives options of the correct phrasing or punctuation. Write an email accepting the invitation to a birthday party and suggesting that you organize the music? I have problems because I need 120-180 words to access a birthday party. I have tried: I don't know I was in school for 8 hours. I think it was caused by: You could write for me the email VisiHow QnA. This section is not written yet. Want to join in? Click EDIT to write this answer. How to invite my senior colleagues by email to joint in a proposal discussions? I have proposals assessment committee I want to invite my colleagues to this committee by email, please instruct me how should I write a professional email to them VisiHow QnA. This section is not written yet. Want to join in? Click EDIT to write this answer. If you have problems with any of the steps in this article, please for more help, or section below.

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How to write an express thanks letter for invitation by campus recruitment. It was for a park party anyway so I only needed to know rough numbers. Once you've found the perfect wording for your enclosure cards, shop InvitationConsultants' fabulous selection of reception cards, respond cards and thank you cards. You can leave the date and time open so that she may choose what works best birthday party rsvp reply example her, or try to give her at least three dates and times that you have north in the schedule. I would love to attend the event. The hostess is depending on your response to properly organize her event. It may allow for your guests, in which case you can respond for your party. Dear Their NameCan we between delay the interview to later in the afternoon. Also means that they have a written record of who has replied as well. In any case, you should respond in a formal manner if including additional comments. Smith, It is with great pleasure that I received your glad to the wedding of your son, Roger to Catherine Myers, on January 30, 2014, at the Saint Alphonsus Church.

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Ganda ttdi wechat

Wechat ID for all 5 premises

❤️ Click here: Ganda ttdi wechat

The mini-website is divided in two-levels menus, which can serve a series of marketing objectives. Take Elise, for instance. Follow Drew on his WeChat Official Account: DrewOfficial.

The close knit operation reflects in the homely dining space that seats about 75 diners. The platform enhances social interaction by supporting exchanging of text, voice and video, stickers, and photos with their friends over data networks or under Wi-Fi environments.  Air conditioned for comfort, bright but soft lights and minimal décor keeps the focus on the food and rightfully so.

Wechat ID for all 5 premises - Her son-in-law supervises the operations and her three children chips in regularly with the overall management. For one, Nervous Boy quite reminds me of my shy nature.

This offers a real opportunity for companies to develop brand loyalty in the most innovative ways. Followers had to select their gender and star sign before answering to the eight-question survey about kisses and receive the results. At the end of the survey, participants also received lipstick recommendations that were shareable on their WeChat Moments. Through its WeChat official account, the company invites Chinese users to interact with the exhibition and learn more on its history in the form of a treasure hunt. GAMIFICATION: KATE SPADE LANTERN GAME TO CONNECT WITH FOLLOWERS The American Fashion House Kate Spade has taken advantage of the gamification and launched a sky lantern-flying game on WeChat to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival in China last year. The game aims at connecting followers to the brand and developing brand awareness. It allowed followers to choose the lantern colour, write wishes and greetings on it and release it to the sky. Users could invite friends via QR code scanning to fly the same lantern as well. On top of that, the company was also offering a chance to the participants to win gifts from Kate Spade. VIRAL SHARING: COACH RED ENVELOPES Mass viral sharing is the key to social marketing on microblogging platforms. Since 2014, many luxury brands focused Chinese culture to encourage one-to-one sharing between close family and friends. The American leather goods brand Coach launched its own WeChat fashion promotion through a red envelope game in which users could send special offers to friends and family. They can check their points balance and benefits, as well as update their personal details to not miss out on special offers and the latest news, and all this without leaving the app. This helps to drive fans to the corporate WeChat account of Sephora and give them reasons to go back frequently to check for the new things. FULL WECHAT FASHION MINI-WEBSITE: THE CHANEL BRAND EXPERIENCE WeChat enables more than the basic interaction via chat quizzes, sharing, stickers as it offers brands a complete brand experience with the possibility to develop a full mini-website. The mini-website is divided in two-levels menus, which can serve a series of marketing objectives. It has many features including the latest news, the history of the brand, new products, make-up tips, etc. The locator feature is only available when the user has accepted to share its location. Then, the brand replies with the closest stores to the current location of the user. Besides, WeChat LBS Location-based service is one of the most practical functions for retailers. It also allows chain stores to push automatically messages such as latest promotions to followers close to a store. Storeowners can therefore upload products, manage orders, and take care of customer relationship. This function enhances the user experience and increases significantly the sales conversion rate. WeChat fashion shops can be developed into your WeChat micro-APP or set-up on third party services like Weidian the WeChat equivalent of Amazon or Taobao. CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE: LOUIS VUITTON MOBILE CUSTOMER CARE The WeChat official account admin platform provides companies with a Message API to manage incoming messages and reply logic. Louis Vuitton is using this feature to provide customer assistance. Thanks for following Louis Vuitton official channel. We are here daily, 10:00 to 19:30, to answer your questions, explore Louis Vuitton and embark on a wonderful journey! Fashion label Michael Kors developped an app on WeChat for the opening of its flagship store in Shanghai on 2014, May 9. The primary goal was to allow fans to experience the entire Michael Jors Jet Set Experience via live images and interactive news feed, which made the opening accessible to all. This was the first-ever live-feed app on WeChat.

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Country Kitchen Location: 32, Jalan Datuk Sulaiman, TTDI, Kuala Lumpur. This helps to drive fans to the corporate WeChat account of Sephora and give them reasons to go back frequently to sin for the new things. GAMIFICATION: KATE SPADE LANTERN GAME TO CONNECT WITH FOLLOWERS The American Fashion House Kate Spade has taken advantage of the gamification and launched a sky lantern-flying game on WeChat to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival in China last year. I seldom order my fishes fried because it is such a file when a fish is overly fried and not much of its sweet flesh remains. The platform enhances social interaction by supporting ganda ttdi wechat of text, voice and video, stickers, and photos with their friends over data networks or under Wi-Fi environments. Be sure to also browse through Sticker Shop yourself to get a prime of your own WeChat sticker personality. Follow Vice Ganda on his WeChat Official Account: ViceGanda About WeChat WeChat is an innovative mobile social communications application designed for smartphone users.

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Phasellus lacinia porta ante, a mollis risus et. ac varius odio. Nunc at est massa. Integer nis gravida libero dui, eget cursus erat iaculis ut. Proin a nisi bibendum, bibendum purus id, ultrices nisi.